Our Story
In 2012, Starboard Medical was founded by Tony Beran. It started out as an OEM supplier of medical-grade temperature sensors used by other medical manufacturers in their finished temperature probe products. In 2013, Kerry Edgar joined Starboard as a partner. Both Tony and Kerry previously developed the RSP line of disposable temperature probes which was acquired by Smiths Medical in the 1990s. Because of their extensive experience in the development and manufacturing of disposable temperature probes and sensors, Starboard launched its own line of disposable temperature probes in 2014. Starboard was incorporated in 2015 and became a WBENC certified majority women-owned business in 2016.
As a result of a personal experience with an improperly secured IV catheter, Starboard embarked on the development of a catheter securement product line and developed several innovative and market appealing catheter securement devices. In 2022, the catheter securement product line was successfully sold to a large medical device manufacturer that supplies complimentary products in the vascular access space. We are excited that the products we developed will now have the opportunity to reach more clinicians and patients around the world.
Today, Starboard is focusing on patient temperature management products and growing our temperature monitoring portfolio.